OpenGamma Sets US Expansion
The company will expand to the US as regulatory changes are putting pressure on costs for clients.
CAT Roll-Out Smooth, but System Still Needs Work
There were no major hiccups when the CAT was rolled-out to SROs on November 15 but it is still not ready for full industry implementation.
Rimes to Debut New Benchmarks Service
Rimes will be launching a new managed service, called RegFocus BMR Data Feed, to help users adhere to the Benchmarks Regulation.
The Day the Data Stood Still
With the UK preparing to leave the EU in March, regulators have a limited amount of time to figure out how to keep the flow of information going between each other post-Brexit—and the window is closing.
After Delays, CAT Reporting Begins Tomorrow
The Consolidated Audit Trail will begin receiving reports on November 15, a year after it was supposed to start.
Coleman Launches Interactions Platform
The cloud-based offering allows buy-side clients to manage their interactions with research providers, industry experts and analysts.
Brexit's Unintended Consequences Could Include Mifid III
Political factors will influence fundamental changes made to EU financial regulation, says lawmaker.
Industry Slams Mifid II Data Quality
Troubles still plague reported data and transparency objectives, say fixed-income execs.
Buttigieg to Help Esma Shape Data Policy
Director of the Maltese regulator's securities and markets supervision unit is named chair of Esma's data standing committee Releases Automated Regulatory Change Workflow Platform
The platform automatically parses regulations to figure out their relevancy to a firm.
Amid Rising Criticism of ‘Misleading’ PRIIPS, EIONA Promises Amendments
Growing concern from regulators and industry bodies about potential harm to investors could yet force the European Commission to eventually rethink its position on PRIIPS.
November 2018: Bonfire of the Sandwiches
Regulators must reach an agreement on data sharing before Brexit, even if that requires working around EU rules.
UK Regulator Seeks EU Equivalence and Cooperation
FCA chief executive says UK regulator is preparing for a range of Brexit options, and cross-border data sharing between regulators is 'essential.'
The New Oil Rush: An Examination of the Alternative Data Market
Banks are looking to cash in on the alternative data boom, but an in-depth investigation of the alternative data market shows that they may be in for an uphill battle to claim territory.
AxiomSL Partners with SKS for German Markets
The regtech provider and consultancy aim to combine their technology and regulatory expertise to cater to the German-speaking market.
Commcise Introduces Contract Management for Research
An increasing number of firms are buying research under fixed-price contracts as a result of European regulations.
LexisNexis Enhances Digital Identity Offering for KYC
After buying ThreatMetrix at the beginning of the year, LexisNexis explains the need for digital and physical identity oversight for KYC.
Nice Actimize Debuts AI-Powered Platform X-Sight
The platform is cloud based and will use machine-learning strategies to develop insights.
Data-Driven Regulators: Handling the Uptick in Regulatory Reporting
With the abundance of existing and new reporting obligations to comply with, how can regulators hope to be able to handle the volumes of data they now receive?
Wavelength Podcast Episode 141: Brexit and Blockchain and Data, Oh My
It’s a trio of problems: Mifid II’s data problem; blockchain projects stalled; and data quality issues for machine learning.
Arachnys Raises $10M to Fund KYC Risk Tools Expansion
The funding will allow the vendor to accelerate a range of expansion strategies in response to growing industry demand, officials say.
Esma Chair Raises Concerns over No-Deal Brexit
Steven Maijoor warned of the impact of no deal Brexit on Mifid II calculations and the need to ensure continued access to UK clearinghouses.
IHS Markit Unveils Initial Margin Calculation Service to Aid ISDA Margin Rule Compliance
The new service will help firms struggling with the complex calculation requirements resulting from the implementation of new initial margin calculation rules by ISDA.