ISDA Deploys Reporting Blueprint for Derivatives Markets
ISDA's Common Domain Model (CDM. 2.0) aims to standarize regulatory reporting and bring greater automation to derivatives trading.
Be Like Water
Flexibility is key when navigating the Chinese water, says Wei-Shen Wong.
SFTR Preparations Stifled by Data Availability
While the initial go-live date of SFTR is set for early 2020, data availability and legacy processes remain the leading roadblocks.
Fund Houses Get Picky Over Where to Use Machine Learning
Buy-siders have limited their usage of deep learning techniques due to haziness over their inner workings.
Industry Participants Differ on Blockchain Benefits
As some firms are pushing forward with blockchain projects, others are saying it's not yet ready for prime time.
Institutional Crypto Faces Prospect of a Nuclear Winter
While digital currency prices endure what enthusiasts call a ‘crypto winter,’ the problem appears to be far more acute when it comes to institutional appetites. James Rundle and Rebecca Natale report.
IIROC Melds Equities, Debt Surveillance on Nasdaq Smarts Platform
IIROC has used Nasdaq Smarts for market surveillance since 2010, but is consolidating equities and debt market surveillance for the first time.
IHS Markit Debuts Client Onboarding Tool
The Onboarding Accelerator offers a dashboard tool to automate manual client-addition processes.
CAT Rollout Moves Forward Following Processor Change
Finra and the SEC are working on identifiers that mask personally identifiable information.
Industry Steps Up Calls for European Consolidated Tape
Traders in Europe face rising data acquisition costs and increasing regulatory reporting pressures argue that a pan-European consolidated tape is long overdue.
Growing Sanctions Complexity Causes Headaches for Traders
As more sanctions are issued, and become more complicated, firms find greater need for a monitoring service.
Wavelength Podcast Episode 162: IEX on the Transaction Fee Pilot
IEX’s John Ramsay joins to talk about the SEC’s proposed Transaction Fee Pilot and why he thinks it should move forward.
NYSE President Sees Tech as Key to Big Board's Next Evolution
A look at the massive tech projects (and legal battles) underway at the NYSE, which are being led by Stacey Cunningham.
IBM and Thomson Reuters Expand Regtech Partnership
The new offering will directly connect TR’s regulatory feed and IBM’s OpenPages with Watson platform.
SEC’s Redfearn: US-Style Consolidated Tapes Won’t Solve Trading Data Needs
As European market participants bemoan the lack of a consolidated tape, a senior SEC executive debunks the idea that a pan-European tape, similar to the US, will resolve issues around data access and costs.
Less Than Half of Trade Reports Match Under EMIR
Data from Esma shows that just 40% of swaps trade reports match under two-sided reporting regime.
Ethereum Group Launches Token Standards Drive
The initiative seeks to create common language around tokens to foster wider adoption among institutional investors.
Banks and Bourses Increasingly Combine Cloud, AI for Data Projects
The combination of the two technologies is bearing fruit for firms struggling with legacy architectures, but education and talent remain tough obstacles to overcome.
Torstone Buffs Middle-Office Bona Fides with Percentile Buy
Torstone will add a risk management component to its post-trade platform through its acquisition of the vendor.
Banks Brace for ‘World’s Largest Corporate Action’ as Libor Switch Looms
The transition away from Libor is a mammoth task for the banking sector—one that the industry is increasingly finding itself woefully unprepared for. By Hamad Ali
Bloomberg Plans to Exit SSEOMS, KYC Business Lines
Sources say that this will allow the information giant to focus on more valuable business lines.
Acquisitive Exchanges Find Dealmaking is Only Half the Battle
While the large-scale exchange mergers of yesteryear may be over for now, regional bourses are still finding themselves in the M&A crosshairs. Yet for those operators that pick up smaller rivals, technology and data integration often prove to be trickier…
Fund Managers Re-Engineer Data Workflows for N-PORT
With more frequent and granular reporting for fund managers looming, firms have had to figure out how best to connect all the data needed to meet the new requirements. This has necessitated a widespread change in how data is moved throughout an…
Banks Forge Cloud Agreements to Split Accountability
Banks are trying to split responsibility for their operating environments with the major cloud providers. Regulators are having none of it.