The Singletons
Regulators are pushing out new initiatives left, right and centre, and millions of dollars are spent complying with new requirements - some of which several data professionals claim there is little business reason for doing. The move to a single customer…
The Rise of Regulation
The role of regulation is increasingly making its mark on the data world. Experts say the bar has been raised and this is only the start. Carla Mangado explores the latest discussions around regulation and data and how this will impact the data industry…
Assessing the Interdependencies
The banking crisis provided the industry with a wake-up call, especially in relation to the need for an understanding of the risks associated with OTC derivatives. But this is no easy task, explains London Market Systems' Martin Sexton
Revised GIPS standards focus on pricing and risk management
The CFA Institute, the Virginia-based investment industry group, has rolled out a new version of its Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) emphasising stronger valuation and risk management practices.
Editor's Letter - This one's a goner
Naked sponsored access is as good as gone. I cannot see how there can be any other conceivable conclusion to the SEC's January 13 proposals than an immediate ban on the practice whereby non-member trading firms are granted unsupervised access to…
Many moving parts
The number of compliance issues facing the buy side has little precedent in recent history, just as managers are grappling with shifting market and risk conditions in a post-recession world. The way forward is no less challenging – the obstacle is not…
Pension power plays
In early 2009, House Call noted that $200 billion pension fund manager California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS), the largest in the US, announced intentions to get tough with hedge fund managers seeking its capital, requiring more…
Uncertain AII Implementation Date
To Delay Proceedings, Say Market Participants
Pushing for Change
The standardization of corporate actions at the issuer level is a vital area for the industry to address. Carla Mangado explores whether exchanges could do more and what 2010 will bring in corporate actions standardization
Preparing for Central Clearing
While the market is awaiting news of financial reform in the US, firms have started analyzing the potential impact of a move to central clearing of over-the-counter derivatives. The change in infrastructure would mean a growing need for automated…
The New Standards Era
With increased focus on efficiency in the financial markets, data professionals are looking for open standards and adoption of common identifiers. Tine Thoresen reports
Prop trading: RIP?
Once when I was 16, about six months after I started driving to school and work, my heavy foot got me two speeding tickets within 24 hours. A major component of the parental wrath incurred was the loss of my car keys for a fortnight. The thrill (and…
Banking on the FSA
One of my favorite quotes comes from U.S. newspaperman and author Damon Runyon: "The race doesn't always go to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way the money bets." It doesn't give you that warm fuzzy feeling you get when discussing…