Solvency II
Swedbank Robur Chooses SimCorp for Solvency II Reporting
The software vendor's Solvency II system has been integrated with the SimCorp Dimension investment management platform that Swedbank was already using, leading to better data quality, lower operational risk and reduced maintenance costs
The Search for Solvency II Solutions
Solvency II may be delayed, but it has not gone away. As the most focused industry participants chip away at the complexity of the European insurance regulation, Nicholas Hamilton discovers innovative compliance solutions, including data metering systems…
Swedbank Robur Online with SimCorp for Solvency II
The Swedish asset manager, with about $70 billion actively managed across 130 funds and institutional clients in Scandinavia and the Baltics, has expanded its previous SimCorp Dimension implementation with an add-on for the upcoming regulation targeting…
Solvency II special report
June 2013 - sponsored by: Axiom SL, Morningstar, SIX Financial Information, Thomson Reuters
Fox Swaps Interactive Data for Avox
Tim Fox has left Interactive Data to take up the role of product manager at Avox
Identifying LEI Opportunities and Challenges
The rollout of the legal entity identifier offers firms an opportunity to improve their onboarding processes and bring together valuable data sets, but a successful outcome depends on careful planning, writes Nicholas Hamilton
Transparency and Consistency Drive Markit’s Risk Upgrade
Markit has announced the release of two significant new tools for its Portfolio Valuations Service, which deal with scenario analysis and the computation of Value-at-Risk (VaR).
IRD's Editor on Enthusiasm For New Data Sources
Inside Reference Data's April issue features extensive reporting on new sources and types of data that are catching on
IRD's Editor on Construction of Compliance Utilities
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua discusses management of data through compliance utilities for risk management purposes
Laying Compliance Foundations
With regulatory change looming large over the financial industry, Nicholas Hamilton finds out how extensible systems, best practices and good communication are helping firms to manage the uncertainty of evolving requirements and deadlines
OTC Fin Integrates Solvency II Engine Into Data Platform
The engine guides end-users through the completion of the Quantitative Reporting Templates and leverages the data warehouse of the technology company's PATOne data platform
HSBC Exec: "Regulations Require 10 New Data Types"
Chris Johnson of HSBC Securities Services has identified 10 new types of data that will be required by upcoming regulations and says firms must start asking vendors for the data so they will have business cases to create appropriate products
MoneyMate Solvency II Offering Reduces Permission Tedium
The investment data management services provider is ready to roll out a reporting utility that manages the multiple permissions needed for handling Solvency II compliance data
MoneyMate Releases Solvency II Look-Through Service for Asset Managers
Dublin-based investment data management solutions provider MoneyMate says its Fund Price & Information Exchange (PIE) will provide look-through and reporting to help managers interact with insurers in meeting the demands of Solvency II.
Interactive Data Goes Live with Solvency II Engine
Pricing and reference data provider Interactive Data has released an asset-wide data management and reporting tool for asset managers and insurance firms subject to the EU's Solvency II Directive.
Interactive Data Debuts Solvency II Service
Data vendor's Solvency II offering provides CIC and NACE codes, and linkages, filling gaps in reporting identified in the European Union's directive
VistaOne Releases Solvency II Data Governance Tool for Asset Managers
VistaOne Solutions, a CoreOne Technologies company, has announced the release of vSolvencyII, the firm's Solvency II governence solution.
Solving a Solvency II Dilemma
European regulator's announcement that an important code in its capital adequacy directive will not be harmonized through all countries could undermine the regulation itself
Ahead of Solvency II, Asset Liability Management Looms Large for Managers
Asset managers with insurer clients are searching for new data management and portfolio optimization platforms as the European regulation inches closer.
Summertime Blues
The reference data operations industry braces itself for the next wave of regulation represented by Solvency II
Insurers Must Check Custodians' Plans For Solvency II, Says Northern Trust Exec
Northern Trust's Andrew Melville says insurance companies should not assume their asset managers can provide them with the asset data needed for Solvency II reporting, and should check how their custodians and administrators can help them to comply
Solvency II Webcast
Inside Reference Data gathered leading industry experts to discuss how Solvency II will impact data management processes in a webcast on 14 June
Data on the Move
Developments in regulation and standards such as Fatca and Solvency II, along with reference data needs identified by ISITC, are part of the reason why reference data is definitely not a stagnant part of securities industry operations in the year to date