Solvency II

Unexpected Sources Of Value

Value, in relation to data operations and management, can mean more than just the importance of the information. It can also be derived from smart collaboration and cultivation.

Solvency II LEI Imperative Makes Progress

The regulation's proposed requirement for reporting using legal entity identifiers is nearing the end of its industry comment period, and firms that will be affected are looking at how to comply.

Fédéris Chooses SimCorp for Solvency II, EMIR, AIFMD

Fédéris Gestion d'Actifs, a French asset management firm, will use SimCorp Dimension to provide access to the granular data needed for Solvency II and to execute more of its own regulatory reporting rather than delegating this to external providers

Getting A Full Report

Demand for more complete and well-prepared data reporting could lead one to consider collaborative efforts that point the way to better data reporting

Seeking Solvency II Surety

Implementation of Solvency II in January 2016 has been confirmed, but many of the data challenges are unresolved. Susan Wright of the Investment Management Association tells Nicholas Hamilton that asset managers, third-party administrators and insurers…

EU Parliament Adopts Omnibus II, Finalizes Solvency II

The introduction of the Solvency II regulatory regime inches closer after the European Parliament voted on Tuesday to adopt Omnibus II, a directive that completes and finalizes the common prudential framework for insurance regulation and supervision in…

Quality's Matrix

Data quality improvement efforts—even those aimed at making the process simpler—are proving to be a complex mix involving different actions for different types of data, regulations to contend with, and management issues to be grasped. Michael Shashoua…

Ungovernable Data?

During a roundtable discussion hosted by Rimes Technologies, senior representatives from asset management firms discussed the data governance challenges facing them. From controlling data and managing regulatory change to securing board-level support,…

SIX's Raskin on Fatca, Solvency II at WFIC 2013

Barry Raskin, managing director at SIX Financial Information, discusses the challenges of monitoring which assets are in scope for reporting under the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and offers advice on managing uncertainty surrounding Solvency II…

IRD's Editor on July Issue Features

Solvency II and Fatca regulation developments, along with the applications of metadata figure prominently in industry discussions reported in the July 2013 issue of Inside Reference Data

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