Alternative investments
SimCorp Focuses on Front-Office and Alternative Investments Tools
SimCorp delivers four releases a year to keep pace with client demand and the evolving buy-side market.
SimCorp to Open Tokyo Office
Vendor sees the Japanese market moving towards more high-yielding strategies.
Hedge Funds Hunt for Alpha Across 1 Billion Smartphones
Mobile geolocation has opened a new frontier for investors
SimCorp Enhances Alternatives Offering for its Dimension Platform
Other updates to the platform include Mifid II compliance, a strategy builder for Solvency II requirements and collateral management workflows.
Waters Wavelength Podcast Episode 75: An Update on the Julia Programming Language; AI & Alternative Data; Digital Currencies
Julia Computing's Viral Shah talks about the programming language he helped create and what's ahead for it. Then James and Anthony talk about the pairing of AI & alternative data, digital currencies, and Game of Thrones.
AI and Alternative Data: A Burgeoning Arms Race
By some estimates, investment in alternative datasets will exceed $7 billion by 2020. At the same time, machine learning and other AI techniques are evolving at a rapid pace. The combination of the two will be significant.
Waters Wavelength Podcast Episode 71: Social Data, Analytics and Trading
Stephen Morse gives a presentation on how traders are using information created via Twitter to derive trading insights.
May 2017: Don’t Put All Your ESGs in One Basket
Max summarizes the highlights of the May issue of Inside Data Management.
Opening Cross: Alternatives, Alternatives...
Looking for exposure to alternative investments? You'll need alternative types of data.
Quandl Embarks on Quest for Alternative Data
The vendor is stepping up its search for non-traditional datasets that will give it an edge as firms demand different types of data.
Pershing Integrates AltX Data Into NETX360 Platform
The deal will help advisors make better informed investment decisions
AltX Adds Advanced Search, Behavioral Analytics to Alternatives Platform
The new additions will give investors greater insight into the funds and fund managers in which they invest.
2012 Review: 2012: The Year of the Alternative Asset Class?
Faye Kilburn looks at the year's rising market data applications for alternatives, with a particular focus on commodities.
eVestment's Minnick Discusses Recent Acquisitions
Jim Minnick, eVestment Alliance's founder and CEO, sat down with Buy-Side Technology to discuss the firm's recent acquisitions and look ahead at what's to come.
Thomson Reuters' Beta to Connect Dealers to DTCC's Alternative Investments Custody, Clearing
Partnership follows on SEC rule change in March allowing the NSCC to undertake comprehensive processing of alternative investments.
Custody is the Rule: NSCC Building Better Alternative Investments Processing Automation
Strengthening the market for securities custody, NSCC's new automated possession and control functions will further improve the DTCC's administration of alternative investments. By Tim Murray