Max Bowie: Don’t Be the Fool Parted from Your Money

Widespread adoption of algorithmic trading has led to belief in the infallibility of computers. But as technology once restricted to institutional trading desks filters down to retail traders, Max asks whether the sophistication of the tools available…

Liquidity Lost: What's Next for Dark Pools?

Pipeline Trading Systems, the seven-year-old dark pool operator specializing in block trades, paid $1 million to resolve SEC claims that it failed to provide the confidentiality and liquidity it advertised to customers. Will the incident have broader…

Rob Daly: Saying Good-Bye to Awful 2011

When it began, 2011 promised to bring major changes due to numerous regulatory developments. But deadlines passed, budgets shrank and many important decisions wound up in limbo, leaving the industry in a poor state. Rob looks back at the some of 2011’s…

Rob Daly: Smarter, Not Faster, Wins the OTC Race

As US regulators finally define the parameters of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, dealers and other market participants are racing to have their systems ready to trade on the first day of the new regulatory regime. Rob…

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