US Exchanges, SEC Mull Anti-Data Glitch Proposals

In the past month, stock and option exchanges have agreed and submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission recommendations to strengthen the performance of the US capital markets infrastructure, following several well-publicized data failures…

SEC Calls for Kill Switches Post-Nasdaq Outage

US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chair Mary Jo White met with top industry executives today following the technology glitch on August 22 that saw the trading of Nasdaq-listed securities halted for three hours.

Lessons from the Hash Crash

Over the past few months, a series of glitches similar to the one that caused the Hash Crash has made it clear that the financial markets are at the mercy of high-frequency trading machines. Some of these systems feed mostly on social media content,…

Anthony Malakian: HFT: Enemy of the State

With high-frequency trading existing in a state of uncertainty, the FBI is looking to join the SEC in examining the role algorithmic trading plays in the capital markets. Anthony says this is a good thing.

March 2013: It Takes a Thief to Catch a Thief

Recent moves by regulators to detect market abuse—including the SEC enlisting an HFT prop trading firm to build a monitoring system—are commendable. Victor argues they should go further and bring in people who have run afoul of regulations at some point…

2012's Financial Crime Coups Raise Stakes, Anxiety

Global regulation was the year’s obsession, but criminal probes─from rate rigging to rogue trading; sanctions violations to insider bets─won the headlines in 2012. Not every financial crime has a ready tech fix, but with buy-side cornerstones like SAC…

Dyson Appointed Deputy CIO At SEC

In her new role, Pamela Dyson will be responsible for continuing to modernize the information technology systems of the regulatory body, which is headquartered in Washington, DC

Conquering Form PF

Form PF, requiring US funds managing at least $150 million to submit an unprecedented amount of data to the SEC, came into effect in 2010 as part of Dodd–Frank, and the deadlines are now starting to kick in.

Jake Thomases: A Step in the Right Direction

It’s not often that when it comes to introducing new regulations, the SEC garners appreciable industry support. But as Jake explains, one of the regulator’s most recent pieces of legislation affecting large swaths of the US financial services industry,…

Short Circuit: Does Flash Crash II Still Loom?

Two years after the Flash Crash, an event of similar proportions has yet to occur, despite doomsday prophecies to the contrary. Have measures such as circuit-breakers helped to safeguard the stability of modern capital markets, and more importantly, have…

Predators in the Pool: How Dark Pools Tackle HFT

Judgments about whether a dark pool is safe from predatory trading behavior will determine how often that pool is visited. Jake Thomases discovers that, although it is easy for operators to monitor their pool, it’s the philosophies behind filtration that…

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