Transaction-cost analysis (TCA)
Winterflood Elects IFS as TCA Provider
LONDON-U.K. broker Winterflood Securities has begun using the LiquidMetrix transaction cost analysis (TCA) platform from London-based vendor Intelligent Financial Systems (IFS) to benchmark the performance of its Winner electronic market-making platform.
FXall Prepares Trade Analytics
NEW YORK-Foreign exchange (FX) ECN operator FXall plans to introduce a set of pre- and post-trade analytics based on the trading trends that officials observe within the FXall's trading platforms, DWT has learned.
Overcoming the Options Dilemma
As more institutional investors open their portfolios to equity options, sell-side broker-dealers face the challenge of executing instructional-sized orders in a market that is typically less liquid than equities.
ConvergEx Delves into Options TCA
NEW YORK-Agency brokerage BNY ConvergEx plans to expand the breadth of its transaction cost analysis (TCA) offering to cover equity options, DWT has learned.