
Playing It Safe

Traders in the US, Europe and Asia behave differently. Wei-Shen Wong finds out how cultural differences can influence the popularity of certain algorithms.

Vendors Prep for Initial Margin Big Bang

Tech providers are emerging from all corners as the final phases of initial margin rules closes in, which are expected to capture over 1,000 buy-side and sell-side firms over the next 18 months.

Bracing for Data Disruption in a No-Deal Brexit Scenario

In February, UK and EU regulators made announcements expected to shed light on the future of data sharing and alleviate some uncertainty post-Brexit, but industry experts say the latest statements fall short of lifting the real burden on affected firms.

Banorte Digitizes Risk Operations

One of the largest financial institutions in Mexico is digitizing core risk and compliance functions to consolidate operations, reduce reconciliation costs and future-proof its IT infrastructure.

The Problem Solver: Paul Bari, Nordea

Paul Bari’s career has taken him across oceans and continents, but his true north has always been a fascination with mathematics. Now, he’s tackling not only the future of one of Northern Europe’s largest banks, but its employees, too

Untapped Potential:The Road to Semantic Heaven

There is a movement underway to establish universal standards and the semantic ontologies that make them sing. As the industry approaches semantic utopia, questions remain about what steps need to be taken to get there and whether all the work will be…

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