Waters Wrap: Unintended Consequences & AI Regulation (And Mobile Trading Reg & BERT NLP)
Due to the pandemic and rapid advancements in the fields of AI and mobile technology, regulators in the US and Europe have unique challenges on their hands.
Covid Could Cause US Regulators to Rethink Surveillance
Not having specific requirements and procedures for firms to refer to ended up putting some funds in a tough place during the pandemic’s early days.
EU's AI Regulations Could Lay Blame With CTO
Jo wonders if the EC's approach to regulating AI could adapt existing liability laws—with implications for individuals.
Exchanges, SEC At Odds Over Odd Lots
Industry insiders warn that the regulator’s attempts to modernize equities data by redefining trading lots will fall short of the mark if odd lot orders remain unprotected.
ActiveViam Embraces Python for its In-Memory Database
The vendor is building off its April release of an enrichment tool for Python notebooks.
People Moves: IHS Markit, REGIS-TR, SimCorp, AlgoDynamix, MetricStream, Enterprai, BTIG
A look at some of the key "people moves" from this week, including Igor Kaplun (pictured) who has been appointed executive director of MarkitSERV’s Integrated reporting business
The Need for a Designated Crypto Asset Regulator
Senior academic says a new taxonomy—and a new regulator—is needed to determine whether crypto assets should fall under existing financial frameworks.
SteelEye to Hire CME Reg Reporting Talent
While many firms have enforced hiring freezes during the pandemic, the regulatory reporting vendor has plans to aggressively grow its staff count.
Regulators Defend ESG Data Requirements
Disclosures will protect end investors and increase the amount of data on ESG, supervisory authorities said at a public hearing.
This Week: BNY Mellon, ASX, DTCC, SteelEye/UnaVista & More
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news.
People Moves: Google Cloud, FCA, TP Icap, FMSB,
A look at some of the key "people moves" from this week, including Yolande Piazza (pictured) who has been appointed vice president at Google Cloud.
BoE's Post-Trade Reform Efforts Will Need Full Industry Cooperation
The central bank's report on the future of post trade will face the same competitive interests that have hindered previous attempts at eliminating inefficiencies and bringing automation to the back office.
Banks Eye More Open Source in Light of Covid-19
Driven by common industry pain points and unforeseen complications, capital markets firms have begun using open-source technology more widely.
Finos Sees Opportunity for Open Source in RegTech Space
The nonprofit is reaching out to regulators to determine where open source could ease regulatory burdens on financial institutions, while keeping them competitive with tech companies.
As June Deadline Looms, Broker-Dealers Begin Reporting to the CAT
As CAT reporting activity picks up, error rates have somewhat surprisingly been well below what was expected in the testing and production environments.
Symphony Builds Connections to Text Message Services
Users are also able to onboard customers and interact with them on WhatsApp through the secure messaging platform.
UnaVista Rolls Out Reporting Analytics for Performance and Market Surveillance
The regulatory business is developing enhanced analytics to improve reporting accuracy and identify signs of market manipulation.
FCA Using NLP, Machine Learning to Regulate Businesses
The regulator is advancing with its strategy to improve its use of tech in its oversight role, says data chief.
Eventus Systems Uses $10.5m Funding to Advance AI, Double Workforce
The trade surveillance technology provider plans to expand over the next 12 months.
Covid-19: A New Era for Trade Surveillance
As the boundaries between work and home blur, monitoring and privacy may be at odds.
CME Group to Scale Back Regulatory Reporting Business
The exchange group is closing several of its regulatory reporting businesses following a review finding they no longer align with its strategic direction.
SEC, Exchanges Clash Over Revised Consolidated Tape Plans
US equity exchanges have pushed back aggressively against an SEC order directing them to submit a revised plan for operating the consolidated tapes of US equities quote and trade data.
On Cobol and Legacy Systems: Covid-19 Turmoil Calls For Change
Financial industry experts say the time to start future-proofing was yesterday.
Earn It? Burn It
Jo looks at an attack on end-to-end encryption that is winding through the US law-making process this month.