IRD's Senior Reporter on Wiki's Role in Data Management
Nicholas Hamilton discusses how wiki technology can be used for data management in the financial industry
IRD's Editor on Data Management Collaboration
Pricing transparency and regulatory compliance efforts share a common thread: the need for collaboration.
IRD's Editor on FIBO's Part in Centralization
The Financial Industry Business Ontology standard is looking useful for centralization of reference data management.
IRD's Editor on Centralization
Michael Shashoua points to several areas of data management where centralizing data is becoming prevalent
IRD's Editor on Fatca's Effects on Data Operations
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua updates developments with Fatca tax regulation and how that will affect data operations
IRD's Editor on Finding Value From Data
Michael Shashoua considers how the industry defines value in relation to data management
IRD's Editor on Basel's Mixed Messages
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's latest guidance on Basel III capital adequacy requirements finds the regulator suddenly getting strict.
IRD's Editor on Collateral Data Growth and Data Governance
The June issue of Inside Reference Data features closer looks at the growth of collateral data and its effects for data managers, as well as developments concerning data governance
IRD's Editor on Collateral Issues
The growth in volume of collateral transaction data means the industry must ramp up technological capabilities for managing this data.
IRD's Editor on 'Extraterritoriality'
Reference data professionals are buzzing about "extraterritoriality," the concept of differences between jurisdictions or countries in how they handle new rules and regulations.
IRD's Editor on LEI's Reach
The legal entity identifier is playing a part in data quality issues, as it winds its way toward implementation
IRD's Editor on Pricing and Valuations Issues
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua describes the tension between keeping pricing method documentation concise and pursuing multi-sourced pricing models.
IRD's Editor on Enthusiasm For New Data Sources
Inside Reference Data's April issue features extensive reporting on new sources and types of data that are catching on
IRD's Editor on Corporate Actions Automation
Inside Reference Data's recent webcast on corporate actions raises questions on automation of processing
IRD's Editor Updates LEI Developments
Industry experts are pointing out potential problems with the legal entity identifier
Swift's McMahon on DTCC Partnership, Corporate Actions
Malene McMahon of Swift Americas speaks with IRD editor Michael Shashoua at the Swift event in New York
IRD's Editor on LEI Progress
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua points out issues with the implementation of the legal entity identifier that preclude further innovation
IRD's Editor on Basel III and Tax Reporting Requirements
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua asks if it is wise for the European Parliament to tie tax reporting rules to Basel III
IRD's Editor on Linking Identifiers
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua describes the potential role for the Alacra Authority File in managing LEI data
IRD's Editor on Reference Data Infrastructure Changes
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua tracks common themes in the features in the February issue: regulation impacting data infrastructures, and convergence and centralization of data.