
Open Platform: The ‘Hidden Tax’ of Index Data

As index use has grown, so have the ways in which entrenched index providers are extracting revenues from licensing their indexes and underlying data. But with cost still a key concern, with the popularity of exchange-traded funds growing, and with…

Open Platform: Big Data, Little Urgency

Bombarded by hype about Big Data, financial firms feel pressured to adopt Big Data solutions. But, depending on their needs, firms should think twice before throwing out existing data warehouses, says Jonas Olsson, founder and chief executive of Swedish…

Object Trading Adds OpenMAMA Interface to FrontRunner

Trading technology and data platform provider Object Trading is adding support for NYSE Technologies' OpenMAMA messaging layer framework-the open-source version of its Middleware Agnostic Messaging API-to its Frontrunner direct market access suite, to…

Striking a Balance on Operational Risk

The culture within the financial services industry has, unsurprisingly, become much more risk aware since the 2008 crisis. Under such conditions, how can fund administrators balance managing operational risk against achieving efficiencies, while at the…

Open Platform: Products Don’t Sell Themselves

Great developers build great products, but aren’t necessarily good business people. Those who recognize this—and are willing to hand over responsibilities to others with the right skills for each function—stand a better chance of their product achieving…

Open Platform: The Front Office in the Cloud

The need to cut costs without compromising client service and business performance is putting tremendous pressure on businesses, spurring them to evaluate their internal processes and consider moving some of these to a managed services model. The past…

Time to Ditch the Spreadsheets

The IT function, which spends somewhere between 2 and 5 percent of a company’s revenues—as much as $5 billion in some large financial services companies—still produces managerial accounting, budgeting, planning, and performance reporting on spreadsheets…

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