Webseminar: Standardizing Corporate Actions
Standardization: the Benefits of Investment
Corp Actions Timeliness Must Regain Focus While Asia-Pac Players Await Standards Change
While many firms in the Asia-Pac region wait for the industry to resolve the standardization question in the corporate actions space, the timeliness challenge must not be forgotten
Trade Associations Start Request for Proposal Process for LEI Identifier
The introduction of a global legal entity identifier (LEI) appears to be fast approaching, with a coalition of trade associations releasing detailed requirements in May for the new identifier and embarking on a new project phase to reach consensus on…
Corporate Actions: Past, Present and Future
Collaborative efforts have helped facilitate much needed change in corporate actions processing, but there are still a number of challenges that need to be addressed, says corporate actions expert David Hands
Swift U-Turn on BIC Plans, New ISO Standard to Meet LEI Requirements
Interbank utility Swift, a contender in the race to become the registration authority for the legal entity identifier, has decided that the business identifier code (BIC) will not form the basis of the legal entity identifier, officials tell Inside…
Next Stop: ISO20022 for Corporate Actions
Getting the Message
BNY Mellon's Kruse on Corp Actions Complexity
Kruse Control
EDM Council Working Group Discusses Data Quality Standard
The EDM Council has initiated discussions about the possibility of using data quality standard ISO 8000 in the financial information industry