STP: Shedding the Leftover Inefficiencies
The age-old problem of achieving straight through processing remains a challenge for some buy-side firms today. But time is running out.
HYBSE IM Blockchain Crypto Exchange to Offer Free Feeds, Web Data
The Mauritius-based digital asset exchange will make data available for a range of asset classes via various feeds and front-end interfaces.
Emerging Markets Exchanges Embrace New Tech
While economic measures might place markets in Kenya, Tanzania, Palestine and elsewhere firmly in the “emerging” bracket, their use of technology is anything but.
DTCC Moves to Testing Phase for Trade Information Warehouse Project
The testing will include 15 global banks and is aimed to end by the first quarter of 2019.
Wavelength Podcast Episode 144: Market Data Fees Fight & Crypto Hype
This week, Anthony and James talk about the fight unfolding over exchange data fees and then explain why there' so much unwarranted hype around cryptos.
CSDs Consider Entry into Crypto Market
The crypto markets need a body that fulfils the role of depositories adequately, say settlement specialists
AlphaPoint Taps Cboe Exec Rathi to Grow Trading, Exchanges Business
AlphaPoint hopes that Rathi's experience at exchanges will help it create support for cryptocurrency-linked investment products with broader investor appeal.
Eight Banks Partner with R3 for Trade Finance
The Voltron initiative extends an open invitation for banks and corporate customers to join the network.
Unfinished Business
Measuring Blockchain’s Financial Services Benefits and Mapping Its Future
Post-IPO, Identitii Hires Execs to Drive Growth in Asia
Between them, Garvie and Rhodes have more than 45 years of experience in financial technology product management and marketing.
Ripple Targets Correspondent Banks in Southeast Asia
The firm recently added Siam Commercial Bank to the network, allowing the bank to act as a clearing provider, and receive and forward on payments.
Identitii Preps APAC Expansion to Grow Payments Data Blockchain
The vendor will use the A$11 million raised from its recent IPO to further develop its platform and experiment with additional use cases for its technology.
CLSA Diversifies Asset Management Business with AlphaLabs Launch
New venture targets investments in the fintech space, including regtech, artificial intelligence and blockchain companies.
Wavelength Podcast Episode 141: Brexit and Blockchain and Data, Oh My
It’s a trio of problems: Mifid II’s data problem; blockchain projects stalled; and data quality issues for machine learning.
Exchanges Still Seeking Blockchain Uses
Many global exchanges and CCPs are in the experimental stage when it comes to blockchain technology.
The New Guard: Ryusuke Yokoyama, JPX
Ryusuke Yokoyama sits down with Wei-Shen Wong to discuss his three-decade career at the TSE and JPX, how the exchange is looking to help the industry improve its settlement cycles and how the company is experimenting with blockchain and AI technologies…
Wavelength Podcast Episode 139: Broadridge on Emerging Tech in APAC
Also: A look at IHS Markit pulling MarkitSERV off the market and Algomi pivoting to Alfa.
UK Watchdog Concerned over Blockchain Bandits
FCA competition chief warns that regulators may face old problems with new technology.
Waters 25: A Look at the Future
Waters canvasses a range of industry opinion leaders about what the defining technologies of the next few decades will be.
Waters 25: A Look Back on the Last Two Decades
Waters examines some of the most important events in financial technology of the past 25 years.
Wavelength Podcast Episode 136: Blockchain Projects & Some Politics
Anthony Malakian and James Rundle record a weekly podcast touching on the biggest stories in financial technology. This week: blockchain and politics.
Crypto Incognito: New Regulation Targets Crypto’s Bad Reputation
KYC data requirements and new legislation aim to move cryptocurrency markets into the mainstream, but are the anonymity and illegal activity tied to digital currencies exaggerated?
DTCC Blockchain Platform Scheduled for Early 2019 Launch
The Trade Information Warehouse overhaul, which had been slated for late 2018, is now scheduled for February 2019.