HazelTree Looks to Get Ahead of UMR Phases 5 & 6 with AcadiaSoft Partnership
As a result of UMR, the vendor forecasts the buy side will attempt to minimize its risk, and will pay big if it doesn't.
Deutsche Börse Foresees DLT Role as Network Operator
The exchange says its function may evolve from a traditional market infrastructure provider to managing decentralized networks.
SIX Builds Quantum Security for DLT-Based Exchange
The Swiss Exchange is future-proofing SDX with post-quantum encryption, ahead of its full-service launch.
LEI on the Edge: What Needs to Happen for Wider Adoption?
The financial industry is losing faith in the LEI initiative as regulatory mandates remain patchy, but some see hope in SFTR’s unique-issuer LEI. By Mariella Reason
FIS to Double Down on RegTech and Multi-Asset Coverage
The company's Investment Operations Suite for asset managers is adapting to regulation and changing investment strategies alongside clients.
Vendors Feel Heat as Regulators Pile Pressure on Third-Party Resiliency
UK regulators have proposed new laws to clamp down on operational resilience and third-party risk, pushing fintechs to put some skin in the game.
Google Exec: Regulators Insisting on Multi-Cloud for Financial Firms
As regulators fear vendor lock-in and concentration among cloud providers, Google Cloud pushes its Anthos platform.
Rimes Wards off Sale Speculation with Investment from EQT
A sale was originally reported, but this PE investment will allow the firm to grow its ESG, ETF offering while considering a sale at a later time.
CAT Seeks Approval to Mask Personal Data
The CAT is required to gather personal information, but the CAT NMS committee wants to use a masking method for security.
SteelEye to Monitor Social Media for Trade Reconstruction
Compliance vendor says upcoming automatic trade reconstruction will slash processing times and allow users to monitor news feeds to detect insider trading.
VendEx Readies VReg Tool to Shed Light on Vendor Dependencies
VReg will highlight the third-party services that financial institutions rely on most to meet each aspect of regulations.
EU Consolidated Tape: Support Wanes With Lack of Answers
With regulators slow to answer industry questions relating to how a CT should be built and what it's for, development has slowed.
MEMX Builds Out Infrastructure as it Waits on Regulatory Approval
The exchange’s CEO and COO discuss its matching engine, Intel partnership, cloud strategy and plans for the future.
ICE Looks to Bolster ESG Service as Investors Grapple with Lack of Standards
ICE Data Services says investors can access its reference data subscription later this year to build out their ESG strategies.
Oracle Leverages Deep Learning To Detect Financial Crime
Oracle is using deep learning to find matching patterns for graph analytics within its compliance platform.
Cboe Plans Comeback in Crypto Markets
The US exchange is again planning to offer crypto derivatives, while after previous attempts to gain regulatory approval to list crypto ETFs were thwarted.
SEC Preps Shakeup of US Consolidated Tapes
The SEC wants a single consolidated data plan to improve data latency and availability over the current consolidated tapes.
California's New Privacy Rule Will Impact Financial Institutions
The CCPA came into force on Jan 1, and while it exempts some consumer data from its scope, firms that have business data on state residents will be pulled in.
Isda Wants Regulators to use its Model to Draft Rules
The trade association is looking to offer its Common Domain Model to rulemakers.
SEC Democratic Commissioner Slams CAT Delays
Robert Jackson dissented from a new proposed order to modernize exchange data.
Machine Learning Takes Hold in the Capital Markets: Some Examples
WatersTechnology looks at 16 projects in the capital markets that involve machine learning to show where the industry is heading.
This Week: Fidelity Digital Asset, State Street, HSBC, Instinet, INTL FCStone, Quantopian
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news.
US Treasury Bureau: Cyber Insurance Premiums Rising
Cybersecurity insurance is getting more expensive as insurance underwriters grapple with a lack of data on this ever-evolving coverage area.
AI and Cloud Remove Barriers to Entry for Real-Time Intraday Liquidity
As increased regulatory reporting obligations add to the pressure financial institutions are under to manage intraday liquidity, centralizing siloed legacy systems into a single automated solution can offer an enterprise-wide, real-time view of liquidity…