Waters Wavelength Ep. 292: Fencore’s James Crosby
James Crosby joins the podcast to talk about the evolution of buy side tech and data decisions.
What AI can (and can’t) do for advisers
Researchers at IBM contend that AI can assist advisers with portfolio management, but there are limits.
Cooling crisis: Datacenters feel the heat from GenAI compute requirements
The IMD Wrap: A new report highlights the power and environmental challenges being created by increased GenAI adoption. In the datacenter world, being hot isn’t cool, while being cool is hot.
Waters Wavelength Ep. 291: Do you know enough to be dangerous?
Tony and Wei-Shen have a philosophical chat about what “being dangerous” means.
What hedge funds are missing about messaging
When a mere microsecond delay can impact the bottom line, hedge funds need high-performance technology stacks and infrastructure. Himanshu Gupta outlines four key considerations for a firm’s messaging architecture.
Icy attitudes on internal GenAI usage are thawing—and just in time
Waters Wrap: More and more banks and asset managers are publicly talking about how they are experimenting with generative AI. In the fight for talent, Anthony says this is a necessary step.
Waters Wavelength Ep. 290: Nasdaq’s Valerie Bannert-Thurner
Nasdaq’s EVP and chief revenue officer for the financial technology division joins Nyela on the podcast.
Moral models: The ethics of data management
The IMD Wrap: You may be managing data efficiently, but are you managing it ethically? And is that something you should be concerned about? Yes, says Max, you should.
Waters Wavelength Ep. 289: WFIC at Y’all Street
Nyela joins to talk about her time at WFIC this year.
Managing cloud costs comes down to putting controls in place
With cloud usage now pervasive throughout the capital markets, firms are focusing on stemming unintended costs.
Waters Wavelength Ep. 288: Media’s changing landscape
Wei-Shen and Tony discuss ways to improve the podcast going forward.
Why don’t you write a book? Several notable data professionals are doing just that
The IMD Wrap: Max talks to some data architects-turned-authors who are literally sharing volumes of knowledge.
DORA will change the buy vs. build debate… maybe
Waters Wrap: With DORA’s deadline looming, trading firms are having to reassess their long-term tech strategies. Anthony wonders if that means more building and less buying.
The SEC needs a hand with artificial intelligence
The SEC wants to take a tough stance on AI, but it has a talent problem… or a marketing problem. Or both…
Industry seeks to avoid future clashes over data costs
The IMD Wrap: Max wonders when and why buying data became a blood sport.
Off-channel messaging (and regulators) still a massive headache for banks
Waters Wrap: Anthony wonders why US regulators are waging a war using fines, while European regulators have chosen a less draconian path.
‘Feature, not a bug’: Bloomberg makes the case for Figi
Bloomberg created the Figi identifier, but ceded all its rights to the Object Management Group 10 years ago. Here, Bloomberg’s Richard Robinson and Steve Meizanis write to dispel what they believe to be misconceptions about Figi and the FDTA.
Waters Wavelength Podcast: Standard Chartered’s Brian O’Neill
Brian O’Neill from Standard Chartered joins the podcast to discuss cloud strategy, costs, and resiliency.
Where have all the exchange platform providers gone?
The IMD Wrap: Running an exchange is a profitable business. The margins on market data sales alone can be staggering. And since every exchange needs a reliable and efficient exchange technology stack, Max asks why more vendors aren’t diving into this…
As data volumes explode, expect more outages
Waters Wrap: At least for those unprepared—though preparation is no easy task—says Anthony.
The IMD Wrap: With Bloomberg’s headset app, you’ll never look at data the same way again
Max recently wrote about new developments being added to Bloomberg Pro for Vision. Today he gives a more personal perspective on the new technology.
Waters Wrap: After CrowdStrike crisis, will anyone learn?
Several bank and hedge fund sources tell Anthony that while there’s plenty to be learned from the CrowdStrike bug, some will more than likely forget those lessons in a few weeks’ time.
Cutting through the hype surrounding the FDTA rulemaking process
A bill requiring US regulators and institutions to adopt a machine-readable data framework for reporting purposes applies to entity identifiers, but not security identifiers, in a crucial difference, writes Scott Preiss, SVP and global head of Cusip…
The IMD Wrap: Quality drivers—the sticks and carrots accelerating the data quality race
Like a Formula One Grand Prix, data management is a race that can be won or lost. And just as each race is part of a larger F1 championship that pays large sums of TV money to the winning team, winning or losing one race can contribute to winning or…