Data costs rose in 2024, but so did mitigation tools and strategies
Under pressure to rein in data spend at a time when prices and data usage are increasing, data managers are using a combination of established tactics and new tools to battle rising costs.
This Week: Clear Street, AXA/AWS, TD Bank/Google Cloud and more
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
European exchanges turn to dark trading in battle for flow
The EU’s two biggest exchanges are launching dark pools this year. The apparent change in their stances on dark trading reflects a profound shift in equities markets.
Dark horse: Deutsche Börse building dark pool
New functionality allowing exchange members to execute sweep trades comes hot on the heels of European rival Euronext launching its own dark pool.
ICE to offer ultra-low latency data between the US and Europe
The offering will run eastward, connecting routes in the US with European markets in London, Frankfurt, and Bergamo.
Can FIX fix patchy exchange outage communications?
A FIX working group is hoping to standardize the way that venues communicate with the sell side when markets fail.
No big boost to UK dark trading after Brexit
Expected explosion in hidden equity liquidity has failed to materialize
French regulator turns up the heat with spot checks on market data providers
The AMF’s move has left industry observers wondering if this will lead other regulators in Europe to follow suit.
Hurry up and wait: EU debates potential models for ‘essential’ consolidated tape
As the legislative debate surrounding a future European consolidated tape for equities takes on increased urgency, market participants and interested parties are beginning to weigh in with their visions of a successful tape.
This Week: Euronext, STG/Alveo, Ice, Mizuho/Bloomberg & more
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
This Week: Microsoft/CaixaBank, Bloomberg, Cboe/Morningstar & More
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
People Moves: Deutsche Börse, Talos, Gresham, Tradefeedr, and more
A look at some of the key people moves from this week, including Shannon Johnston (pictured), who joins Deutsche Börse as chair of the supervisory board's technology committee.
Exchanges, vendors reinvent inventory management platforms to enable sales
Data sources are realizing they can leverage end-user inventory management tools to streamline their side of the data sales and licensing process.
Euronext’s datacenter move on schedule despite supply chain issues
Despite chip and hardware shortages, the exchange group says it is on track to go live with the new datacenter on June 6.
People Moves: ASX, Nasdaq, Capco, FDIC, and more
A look at some of the key "people moves" from this week, including Edwin Hui (pictured), who joins Capco as executive director and APAC data lead.
This Week: Cboe, Euroclear; Société Générale, Bloomberg/Sustainalytics
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news.
This Week: Turquoise, OpenFin & FlexTrade; Anna, FTSE Russell, and more
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news.
People Moves: WFE, MSCI, Broadway Technology, Tora and more
A look at some of the key "people moves" from this week, including Ed Tilly (pictured), who has been appointed chairman of the World Federation of Exchanges.
Banks and HFTs team up to solve exchange outage dilemma
There are hopes that a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ between industry participants can break the first-mover disadvantage for liquidity providers.
This Week: Oracle/Deutsche Bank, Northern Trust, Charles River, Simcorp, and more
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news.
Four years of academic study on HFT yields complicated results
A transatlantic group of researchers has examined a treasure trove of market data to see whether or not high-frequency trading is a necessary component of today’s market structure. The answer is largely ‘yes,’ but with caveats.